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Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Menepis Keraguan Honda CS-1: Apa Saja Plus Minusnya?

Brosur AHM CS-1Jakarta, 13 Juli 2009. Bicara soal Honda CS-1 di blog ini sudah ada dua artikel.
Yang paling menarik ketika di tahun 2008 lalu, tepatnya di ujung acara JMCS (Jakarta Motor Cycle Show 2008), motor Honda CS-1 terpilih menjadi juara Motor Plus Award sebagai “Bike of The Year 2008.”
Motor Plus Award ini dulunya sempat diklaim karena dianggap tidak fair alias tidak adil oleh konsumen kompetitor. Info lengkap soal Motor Plus Award 2008, silahkan baca artikel ini:
Namun apa yang mau dibahas oleh SL.COM di halaman blog ini: Apa sih plus minus motor Honda CS-1?
Soalnya sampai sekarang banyak orang yang masih penasaran dengan Honda CS-1.  PT ASTRA HONDA MOTOR (AHM) memasarkan motor ini sejak tahun 2008 yang lalu.
Bicara soal penjualan, maap ini tanpa data-data statistik, SL.COM punya opini dan menangkap kesan secara pribadi, bahwa penjualan motor diwilayah Jabodetabek belum begitu populer, tapi lain cerita penjualan di daerah Surabaya, Medan dan daerah lainnya, sepertinya motor ini lumayan populer. Entahlah, mungkin ada pembaca yang punya pendapat lain tentang hal ini. Syukur-syukur jika ada datas statistik-nya.
AHM melalui brosurnya menyebutkan, bahwa motor bermesin 125 cc ini dikategorikan sebagai motor “City Bike” (The Top City Ride: Comfort, Speed, Action).

Sumber Foto: Group Facebook "HCST - Honda City Sport One Team"
Dari beberapa referensi bacaan dan literatur yang tersedia, ada pihak yang menyebutkan bahwa motor Honda CS-1 ini unggul soal riding position, posisi stang enak, stepbar dan jok yang juga terasa sangat pas.
Ditambahkan lagi, ada jaminan bahwa posisi rider tidak bakal membuat punggung cepat pegal, responsif dan tenaganya pas.
Sumber lain ada yang menyebutkan bahwa gelagat motor Honda CS-1 alias “Honda City Sport Number One,” saat menikung dengan kecepatan tinggi sangat mudah dikontrol,  hal ini terjadi karena penyaluran tenaga yang reponsif namun smooth (lembut).
Lagi, Honda CS-1 bisa dibilang motor yang stabil saat dibawa jalan kencang di jalan yang bergelombang, apalagi di jalan mulus. Kalau ini memang jangan ditanya lagi, karena ada bikers yang riding Honda CS-1 bisa tembus 130 km/jam.
Kelebihan lain, adalah soal fitur seperti panel panel indikator yang sudah digital. Soal rem sudah dilengkapi dengan  double cakram untuk rem ban depan dan ban belakang.
Soal desain dan tampang motor Honda CS-1, kata orang-orang berkesan futuristik dan dijamin membuat pengendara lain menoleh. Soalnya bodinya beda dengan motor bebek lainnya. Desainnya memang kelihatan agak aneh, tapi melihat “masa depan” maka inilah desain motor yang bakal banyak dipakai nantinya.
Bagaimana dengan kelemahannya? Ada yang bilang posisi gigi terkadang suka pindah dengan sendirinya. persnelingnya walaupun dibilang enteng tapi ketika memindahkan gigi masih ada bunyi. Kelemahan yang lainnya?
Sumber Foto: Group Facebook "HCST - Honda City Sport One Team"
Nah, sebaiknya kita cari aja melalui komentar-komentar para bikers Honda CS-1 yang terdaftar melalui beberapa group Honda CS-1 di jaringan sosial facebook.
Kebetulan ada fasilitas jejaring sosial facebook yang bisa membantu SL.COM menjumpai bikers Honda CS-1, walaupun hanya sebatas e-mail, tetapi info yang diberikan adalah aktual dan ditulis oleh mereka sendiri, yaitu para owners, sekaligus Bikers Honda CS-1.
Apa saja komentar dan pengalaman mereka tentang Honda CS-1?
Apa saja plus minusnya?
Kumpulan tulisan dibawah ini adalah jawaban yang diberikan langsung oleh  Bikers Honda CS-1 melalui email facebook. Semoga informasi ini bisa menepis keraguan masyarakat tentang Honda CS-1.
Forum website dan komunitas Honda CS-1:
Logo HCST Honda City Sport Team
Zhang Long Chen:
Pengalaman saya selama pakai cs1 gk da masalah na. Mau dipakai jalan jauH. Cukup enak. Dan yg paling enak bensin na cukup irit. Tapi cs1 ne gak enak na masukin gi2 na .Suka bunyi2. Tp kebanyakan c enak ja. Enak buat kebut. Menurut saya gt ja.. Thx
Teguh Subihandono:
Plusnya :
- Motor ini secara handlingnya enak sekali, nyaman dikendarai, sdh saya bawa keluar kota (Yogya) kaki gak pegel, dulu waktu naik supra 100 terasa sekali pegelnya.
- Untuk kecepatan motor ini juga kencang, jgn dibandingin sama FU 150, karena secara CC juga mesin beda (DOHC), tp kalo sama MX bolehlah. Sekedar share temen motornya dah dioprek (jadi 150 cc/blok cbr) bisa lari 170 km/h
- Main ditikungan enak sekali. Tanjakan jalur Puncak Bogor terasa ringan.
Minusnya :
- kalo waktu pertama kali biasalah oper gigi agak susah masuk, tp setelah lewat masa service gratis dan oli saya ganti pake shell vsx 10w – 40 sdh normal kembali.
- Mungkin tampilannya agak beda yah, tapi ini tergantung selera aja koq.
Nico Syahputra:
Body relatif lah,,da yg suka da yg gx(klo gw suka bgeet)
Ktanya gampang di naikkan cc nya
segi speed MX,,athlete gx lwn,,,,tp ama satria mg klah bro
yg bkin mnang ma satria gw pikir kenyamanan cs1 bro,,kopling nya empuk
posisi riding nya paliiiiiiiiiing enak buat touring bro(klo gw pkir satria mnang speed aj),,,,
yg sering bermsalah biasanya pengoperan gigi nya sring buny(klo gw yg bawa gx bunyi tuh tp kbnyakan tmen gw bawa ada yg bunyi)i wlau kopling nya empuk dijalan macet,,,
Meidi Perwadi:
gw beli waktu di Jakarta Fair, inden sekitar 2 minggu. Dan delivery sekitar tgl.17 Juli 2008. Sepanjang gw pake OK bangeut nih motor. Bensin irit. Konsumsi sekitar 1:45 s/d 1:55. Krn tangki cuma 3 liter, yah gw isi Shell Super aja. Gak terlalu beratin. Utk tarikan juga oke, bahkan berani geber-2an sama Tiger yg 200cc. Utk handling juga enak krn udah monoshock. Apalagi mesin gak takut kepanasan krn ada radiator, suhu bergerak antara 3-4 bar saja…….. (to be continued)
IeVand Cysers;
Bro,gue ada sedikit pengalaman memakai honda CS-1.Sisi plusnya ada di segi kenyamanan berkendara,Odometer Digital,manual 5 speed,Double Disc brake,tarikan enteng,up to 130km/h.kalau dari segi minusnya silahkan anda masuk ke karena saya belum mengalami segi minusnya.
Nico Poundra Mulia;
Sampai saat ini memuaskan,tp utk info lengkapnya bs kunjungi
Sanny Cysers:
lam kenal buat stephen..
lebih lengkap lagi coba kunjungi;
semua pengalaman yg pake CS1 tertuang disitu…
yang pasti ambil positifnya ajah..
Ikhsan Zn:
pengalaman yg paling buruk kali ya….
bulan2 lalu tiap gw pake ni mtr di kala hujan d tengah jalan pasti mati sendiri…gak taw tuh apanya gw bawa d 2 ahass berbeda tetep aja sering mati…..tapi untungnya sih sekarang dah normal lagi….
klo pengalaman manisnya sih banyakkkkkkk bangettttt….hehe..
Dewi Moranita
plusnya : pk CS1 enak buat racing n travelling
minusnya : CS1 berat di bensin :(
Info Ringkas Spesifikasi Honda CS-1
  • Panjang x lebar x tinggi : 1.932 x 682 x 1.042 mm
  • Jarak sumbu roda : 1.251 mm
  • Jarak terendah ke tanah : 130 mm
  • Berat Kosong : 114 kg
  • Tipe rangka : Twin tube frame
  • Tipe suspensi depan : Teleskopik
  • Tipe suspensi belakang : Tunggal (Monoshock)
  • Ukuran ban depan : 70/90 – 17 M/C 38P
  • Ukuran ban belakang : 80/90 – 17 M/C 44P
  • Rem depan dan belakang : Cakram hidrolik, dengan piston ganda dan tunggal untuk bagian belakang
  • Kapasitas tangki bahan bakar : 4,1 liter
  • Tipe mesin : 4 langkah, OHC, pendinginan air
  • Sistem pendinginan : Radiator dengan kipas elektrik
  • Diameter x langkah : 58 x 47,2 mm
  • Volume langkah : 124,7 cc
  • Daya maksimum : 9,44 kW / 10.000 rpm
  • Torsi maksimum : 10,2 N.m / 7.500 rpm
  • Kopling : manual, multiplate wet clutch
  • Gigi transmisi : 5 kecepatan
  • Pola pengoperan gigi : 1-N-2-3-4-5
  • Starter : electrik & kick starter
  • Sistem pengapian : DC – CDI
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Honda CBR 250 R … GAK KUAT GAN !!!

Honda CBR 250 R … Bener Bener “Mini” VFR 1200
Honda CBR 250 R … siap menyerbu pasar !
Berbagai bocor alus udah lama di beritakan oleh kang “Haji” Taufik tentang CBR 250 RR. Pas ngeliat CBR 150 R yang miniatur VFR 1200 pastinya versi 250cc juga gak bakalan beda jauh :D Akhirnya tuntas sudah teka teki CBR 250 R. Tampilanya benar benar plek percis sama dengan VFR 1200 cuma lebih  kecil alias cocok banget buat postur orang asia, dan juga bila dijadikan kendaraan “komuter murni” :D

Spesifikasi Lengkap CBR 250 R

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Komparasi Awal – Honda CBR250RR vs Ninja 250R

Ninja 250R & Key Factor
Semua sudah kenal dengan Ninja 250R. Motor sport 250cc pertama yang masuk ke indonesia. Menggunakan mesin Inline 2 silinder, Ninja 250R mampu menelurkan tenaga sebesar 34 hp pada rpm.
  • Motor Sport 250cc 2 silinder
  • Mesin inline sangat jinak untuk dikendalikan
  • Brand Kawasaki
  • Frame masih konvensional
  • Tampilan khas ninja 250RR
  • Riding Position Sport Touring

Honda CBR250RR
Honda CBR250RR ingin hadir dengan kejutan. Meski menggunakan mesin 1 silinder namun dengan basis Honda CR-F yang juga jadi basis mesin GP-Mono atau Moto3 bisa jadi menjadi bukti awal bahwa Honda CBR250RR mengincar performa dahsyat
  • Mesin 1 silinder 250cc
  • Berkaca pada mesin CR-F, mesin akan sangat galak dan responsif
  • Brand besar Honda
  • Frame Deltabox, menjadi frame stander superbike !
  • Tampilan berbasis VFR 1200
  • Riding Position Sport Touring

CBR 250 RR

Diposkan oleh Rahmat Hidayat on
Kabar yang sangat membahagiakan bagi para pecinta motor basalnya PT Astra Honda Motor ciap untuk memasarkan CBR 250 RR, Hal ini bisa jadi mematahkan dominasi Kawasaki Ninja 250 yang sudah sejauh ini melenggak sendirian tanpa saingan, apalagi harganya bisa dibawah harga Ninja 250 kawasaki.

Sepertinya pihak PT Astra Honda Motor, menetapkan harga CBR 250 RR dibawah Kawasaki bukan perkara yang mudah.

Tapi sepertinya perkara itu bukan halangan dari bagi PT Arstra Homda Motor untuk tetap menetapkan harga CBR 250 dibawah Kawasaki.

kalau CKD atau tidak, itu tergantung dari volumenya nanti, kalau mencukupi ya kita CKD," paparnya.

Akan tetapi mengenai harga jualnya nanti setelah CKD, penurunannya tidak akan signifikan, hanya saja proses produksinya jadi lebih praktis saja. Sementara ini Honda CBR 250 R di Importir Umum dihargai sekitar Rp 37 jutaan,, mmmhhh harga yang pantastis juga.

Dan nanti kalau sudah CKD memang lebih murah, tapi mungkin tidak akan sampai setengah dari harga sekarang.

Dan kabarnyanya pihak PT Astra Motor Honda masih bingun untuk masalah harga yang di berikan, dan untuk proses peluncurannya.
Nah kita tunggu saja kabar selanjutnya dari Motor Sport keluaran terbaru tersebut.

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  • B. Howell Belser

    B. Howell Belser is a PhD candidate in the Graduate Division of Religion at Emory University. Her dissertation is on the worldmaking practices of queer ritual, performance, and art.
  • Stories are dangerous. They have the ability to re-make the world; to take us outside of ourselves, and make real the experiences, feelings, and situations of other people in other places. Stories activate our imaginations and rearrange the furniture of our minds. This is why narrative—may it take the form of myth, folklore, parable, or history—has always been such an integral part of religious life and the formation of religious imagination. Historically, stories have been vehicles for moral formation, though their ability to influence the world has been used to subvert hegemonic power as well as to bolster it.
    Harry Potter is the world’s most popular series of children’s books—and one of the most contentious, coming in at number one on The American Library Association’s list of “Top 100 Banned/Challenged Books: 2000-2009.” The film series, the seventh of which was released last weekend, is the highest grossing series of all time, surpassing both Star Wars and the James Bond films—all 22 of them.
    Harry Potter, the story goes, is a special young man and a talented wizard, who—with a lot of magic and the support of a strong network of friends and allies—is able to beat back the forces of evil and change the world. Of course, it’s the details that made the series so wildly popular—details that combine to create an alternative world of wizards, muggles, and good-versus-evil that has captured public imagination on an unparalleled scale.
    Yet the response to Harry Potter from religious communities has been mixed at best. Some denounced the series as satanic, while others embraced the magical vision of tolerance and empowerment. J.K. Rowling explained in a 2007 Time magazine article that even though the books contain Christian imagery, she “did not set out to convert anyone to Christianity... It is perfectly possible to live a very moral life without a belief in God... I’m opposed to fundamentalism in any form... And that includes my own religion.”
    She further elaborates by asking, “What did my books preach against throughout? Bigotry, violence, struggles for power, no matter what.” The continued popularity of Harry Potter stems, at least in part, from the power and universality of its message. Rowling succeeded in creating an alternative world that is so real, and so compelling, that it makes you want to become a part of it.
    J.K. Rowling’s creations have taken on new life as they are embraced by fans that make them their own. Fans joined together to create Harry Potter social network sites such as The Leaky Cauldron, and Mugglenet, which also features extensive archives of fan fiction and fan art. In addition, Harry Potter has also inspired the creation of a genre of music called Wizard Rock (commonly referred to as “wrock”) as well as the creation of the International Quidditch Association, which held its fourth annual Quidditch World Cup on Nov. 13-14, 2010, in New York City. Potter fans are often passionate, creative, and imaginative, and no organization demonstrates this more clearly than the Harry Potter Alliance.
    The Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) was founded in 2005 by Andrew Slack, Executive Director, and Paul DeGeorge, of wrock band Harry and the Potters, as an organization whose mission is to draw on the language and lessons of Harry Potter to create real world social change. Their vision was to create a Dumbledore’s Army of Harry Potter fans that work for justice in the real world. As they explain:
    Just as Dumbledore’s Army wakes the world up to Voldemort’s return, works for equal rights of house elves and werewolves, and empowers its members, we: Work with partner NGOs in alerting the world to the dangers of global warming, poverty, and genocide. Work with our partners for equal rights regardless of race, gender, and sexuality. Encourage our members to hone the magic of their creativity in endeavoring to make the world a better place. Join our army to make the world a safer, more magical place, and let your voice be heard!
    The HPA organizes their efforts into campaigns designed to revolve around important cultural and political events. Their initial efforts were focused on raising awareness of genocide in Darfur. Since then, other campaigns have been dictated by the US political calendar. These include Wrock 4 Equality in October 2009, where the HPA campaigned for LGBT rights in Maine. Still other campaigns are driven by current events. The biggest of these to date was the Helping Haiti Heal campaign, during which the HPA along with other fan groups, raised $123,000 in just two weeks for medical supplies for their NGO partner, Partners In Health, in the wake of the January, 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
    The HPA also runs an annual book drive, called Accio Books!, through which they have donated more than 55,000 books since 2009. Their most high-profile campaign to date was HPA for the Win in June 2010, during which HPA mobilized huge numbers of online voters from across fandoms and online communities to win a $250,000 grant from the Chase Community Giving contest on Facebook.
    Then there’s the current “Deathly Hallows” campaign, which centers on the release date of a Harry Potter movie—in this case, The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 on Nov. 19. The Deathly Hallows campaign will run for nine months—the time between the two final movies—during which time the HPA will be organizing fans to destroy seven real world horcruxes (an evil magical object used to attain immortality). This campaign is designed to run as a parallel between the actions of Harry, who must destroy Voldemort’s seven horcruxes before the end of the final book in order to bring about Voldemort’s demise, and the actions of the HPA.
    In the five years since its creation the HPA has grown into a sophisticated and highly coordinated network of staff and volunteers who maintain an impressive online and offline presence. There is no question that the HPA would not and could not exist without the existence of the internet and, more specifically, social networking and new media technology. The sheer number of channels through which HPA staff and volunteers reach out to potential members is staggering. They include old fashion email lists, the HPA website, the HPA blog, the HPA Ning social network,, myspace, Livestream, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. The HPA also offers many levels of involvement—everything from simply learning about the campaigns to talking about them online, participating in them, volunteering with the HPA, and donating money.
    But where does all this lead? Can Harry Potter fans, and the HPA in particular, really change the world? Can they really educate and mobilize youth to be more socially aware and civically engaged? Malcolm Gladwell recently wrote a piece in The New Yorker, “Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted,” comparing the effectiveness of social media activism with the protests and activism of the civil rights movement. The conclusion Gladwell draws from his analysis, as is evident in the title, is to dismiss the effectiveness of new social media by arguing that it operates off of weak ties, rather than the strong ties needed to engage in dangerous, high-risk activism. In addition, he argues that the success of high-risk activism also requires strong hierarchies with a clear leadership, chain of command, and accountability. This is not something that more diffuse social networks can provide, he observes, and so they lack both strategy and coherence.
    To be fair, Gladwell makes some important observations about the shortcomings of social media, though in the end his comparisons are unbalanced. Far from having forgotten what activism is, many are recognizing that it can take many forms. Joining the “Save Darfur Coalition” on Facebook or organizing a blood or bone marrow donation drive may not, on their own, “require that you confront socially entrenched norms and practices,” but there are ways to employ social media that do. The definition of activism is contextual and always changing, as are the strategies employed in its name; it’s shortsighted to think that all effective challenges to hegemonic power must take one particular form.
    The HPA is attempting to take activism in a new direction. Media and culture scholar Henry Jenkins conducted an interview with HPA’s Executive Director Slack in 2009, where he spoke at length about his vision of “fan activism” that is geared to bridge “participatory culture and democratic participation.” He passionately describes how the HPA targets young people who are turned off by traditional activism or whose opinions and insights may not be valued. In “Part One” of the interview he explains that:
    By translating some of the world’s most pressing issues into the framework of Harry Potter, it makes activism something easier to grasp and less intimidating. Often we show them fun and accessible ways that they can take action and express their passion to make the world better by working with one of our partner NGO’s. Not to mention, our chapter members and participants on our forum section come up with their own ideas which they collaborate on together—so while we often make decisions from the top-down, we are also building a way for each member to direct the destiny of what they and the larger organization are working on.
    The HPA offers some opportunities for direct action, but they also serve as a gateway or conduit to other activist opportunities. Certainly not all of these moments will be direct challenges to systemic change, and perhaps none of them will lead to so-called high risk activism, but the HPA opens the door to civic engagement in new ways. They employ the power of imagination, humor, and play in their campaigns while at the same time making real change seem possible. Slack goes on to note in “Part 2” that it is easy for people to become overwhelmed by the enormity of a social problem—so much so that they just shut down and turn away. The HPA seeks to make activism fun and deadly serious—something they refuse to see as mutally exclusive.
    At the same time, it is significant that the HPA is based on the world of Harry Potter, and emerged from out of the Harry Potter fandom, of which it remains an integral part. As Anna van Someren explains in her case study of the HPA for the project From Participatory Culture to Public Participation:
    fans are able to not only identify with, but embody Harry Potter characters who also work for the issues they believe in. Participants are further ensconced in their favorite fictional world by being surrounded by like-mined readers, who all share love for the same story. The entire experience ends up cocooning participants in successive layers of belonging, and it is through creating this sense of intimate community that the HP Alliance succeeds in energizing all of its campaigns.
    The HPA campaigns are all designed, as Slack explains, to “make this myth come to life.” There is something more going on in the HPA—an organization whose very existence is dependent on the mechanisms of social media—than Gladwell can account for in his thin description of that phenomenon. In his article “Avatar Activism” Jenkins identifies the phenomenon of the HPA as an example of “participatory culture” whereby the innovation of “digital media has allowed many more consumers to take media into their own hands, hijacking culture for their own purposes... fans are acquiring skills and building a grassroots infrastructure for sharing their perspectives on the world.”
    In particular, the HPA combines the reach of social networking, the innovation of digital media, and the power of imagination and storytelling to inspire young people to care about the world and to be engaged in its development.
    In her 2008 Harvard commencement speech, Rowling reminded us that “We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.” This is the message at the heart of the Harry Potter Alliance. I am not sure how long the story of Harry Potter will continue to have traction with the public imagination after the final film finishes its run next year, but for now the HPA makes the argument that social change can be both fun and accessible. It may not enable the kind of systemic social change that truly alters the status quo, but the HPA is introducing a new generation of young people to the power and importance of being socially aware and engaged. This is at least a very important first step.
    Battle lines are drawn every day around whose stories get told and how. Whether we are talking about movies and books or the public discourse over morality, it’s a vital issue to conservatives, progressives, and everyone in between. Whoever tells the better story, it seems, owns the discourse. Cognitive Linguist George Lakoff has told that story in a series of publications on the use of framing in political rhetoric. 
    The growth of digital culture and social media has created a paradigm shift in the way that information is distributed and received so the impact of Harry Potter’s message doesn’t have to stop at the end of the last book or final movie. Literature that captures the popular imagination is transformed, elaborated on, and magnified by fans in such a way that it becomes part of the fabric of everyday life. Fan communities link the power of narrative to the power of community, ritual, and practice (check out the HPA flashmob duel in NYC on opening night of The Deathly Hallows). These are some of the same strategies employed by religious groups to create meaning and belonging. The creativity and success of the HPA suggest that the door is open to alternative sources of moral formation in a way that has never before been possible. Stories are indeed dangerous, and when they bring together a group of people armed with a coherent, powerful message, they can change the world.
Harry Potter Raih US$330 Juta di Box Office Global
Selasa, 23 November 2010 16:52 WIB      0 Komentar     3   0
Harry Potter Raih US330 Juta di Box Office Global AP/Jaap Buitendijk/vg
LOS ANGELES--MICOM: Remaja penyihir Inggris Harry Potter mengukir keajaiban lagi. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, film serial terbaru Harry Potter menyabet box office pada akhir pekan dan mengantungi US$330 juta dalam penjualan tiket global.

Harry dan teman-temannya di sekolah sihir Hogwarts membuat terpesona penonton bioskop di lebih dari 50 negara dan menjadi debut terbaik yang pernah ada di AS dan Kanada, dengan membukukan penjualan sebanyak US$125,1 juta.

Enam film Harry Potter sebelumnya mengumpulkan US$5,4 miliar buat Warner Bros,

Di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada, pengisi tempat teratas box office pekan sebelumnya, film komedi Megamind, berada di urutan kedua tapi dengan pendapatan yang tertinggal jauh yaitu US$16,2 juta. Tapi film animasi itu masih mengalahkan cerita kereta pelarian Unstoppable dengan pemasukan US$13,1 juta.

Tapi mengingat ketenaran film-film Harry Potter, film lain diperkirakan takkan bisa bersaing melawan film No.1 tersebut.

Penghasilan US$125,1 juta buat Deathly Hallows: Part 1 mengalahkan debut akhir pekan terbaik film "Harry Potter" sebelumnya di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada --yang meraup US$102,7 juta buat Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire pada November 2005.

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 menempati posisi ke-6 di jajaran box office mengenai debut akhir pekan terbaik sepanjang masa, di belakang Iron Man 2 --yang pada awal tahun ini mengantungi US$128,1 juta.

Film itu, yang dilandasi atas babak terakhir serial buku laris karya J.K. Rowling, mengumpulkan lebih dari US$30.000 per bioskop di lebih dari 4.100 tempat saja di AS dan Kanada. Sebaliknya, Megamind menghasilkan US$4.300 per lokasi di hampir 3.800 bioskop. (Ant/OL-9)

Jumat, 26 November 2010

CBR 250R ABS Dibanderol 120.000 Bath

Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010 | 17:34 WIB

BANGKOK, — Honda menawarkan sepeda motor sport yang baru saja diluncurkan, CBR 250R, dengan dua pilihan, yaitu ABS dan non-ABS (standar). Di Thailand, CBR 250R non-ABS dijual 100.000 bath atau dengan kurs sekarang Rp 28 juta. Versi ABS 120.000 bath atau Rp 33,6 juta.
ABS kini mulai banyak digunakan pada sepeda motor dengan mesin di atas 200 cc, terutama di Amerika Serikat dan Eropa. Penyebabnya, dengan kapasitas mesin yang cukup besar—tenaga mesin juga besar—dibutuhkan sistem rem yang mumpuni, terutama mencegah rem mengunci atau ngeblok. Selama ini, berdasar survei, ternyata sepeda motor yang tidak dilengkapi ABS lebih sering mengalami kecelakaan dibanding yang tidak.
Untuk harga di Indonesia, sampai saat belum ada informasi dari Astra Honda Motor. Kendati demikian, harga itu bisa diperkirakan dengan menggunakan harga Honda PCX sebagai patokan.
Di Thailand, PCX dijual 69.600 bath atau Rp 20 juta. Di Indonesia, PCX jadi Rp 32 juta. Harga terdongkrak karena adanya bea masuk, pajak, dan sebagainya. Nah, kalau perbedaan PCX Rp 12 juta, bisa jadi perbedaan CBR 250R diperkirakan Rp 15 juta (maksimum).
Dengan ini diperkirakan bahwa AHM akan melepas CBR 250R non-ABS untuk konsumen di Tanah Air dengan harga Rp 43 juta (Rp 28 juta + Rp 15 juta). Adapun yang dilengkapi ABS menjadi Rp 48,6 juta. Kompetitornya, Kawasaki Ninja, saat ini di Indonesia dijual dengan harga Rp 46,5 juta.
Nah, kalau sudah begini, pilih yang mana? Ayo!